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Transitioning Your Business To The Online World

Updated: Feb 18, 2021

Online business, freelancing services, virtual assistant

Is business slowing down for you recently? Do you not have as many customers walking through your doors than you have hoped? Don't you think it's high time you take advantage of the technological bridge that is the Internet?

Maybe two, three, four years ago your business was enjoying some of its best days. Maybe during those times, you never really experienced worrying about the sales you wished you'd be closing the days following since the flow of customers never really wavered.

Then, as time passed by, fewer customers came until eventually, you were starting to lose ground. However, you look at your neighboring businesses and you see them doing well. Sure they don't seem to be reaping in the bucks big time but they aren't getting bankrupt either.

You Are the Master of Your Business

Let me stop you right there and ask you to think about how you truly want your business to be run. Why? Because gauging your business and its direction on how other people run their own businesses is only going to earn you what those other people have always earned and nothing more.

Remember, YOU are the boss of your craft and YOU are the one who has the best means for steering your own ship.

The great Jay Abrahams is a master of helping entrepreneurs sail their own ships into the vast horizon of their own setting. What makes him so successful is that he knows how to look at other businesses and decide what to do, what to never do, and what to improve.

And guess where he's been practicing the business of helping out businesses? He does it online.

Offline and Online Aren't Opposite Worlds in Business

Understandably, many entrepreneurs are apprehensive about making the big leap into the world of the Internet. After all, they're supposed to be two opposite worlds. The circumstances surrounding and influencing each are so different from one another that they require too drastic a change.

But that isn't necessarily so. If you really come to think about it, these two entities are actually a lot more similar to each other than they are different. In a way, it boils down to perspective.

Indeed, there are only three things you really need to master in order to make it big in the online market scene. And these three things are pretty much the same essentials that every brick and mortar business operates around.

Taking the Online Plunge

According to the genius Internet Business Coach Chris Farrell, these three things are the following:

1. You must find a profitable niche.

2. You then build a list of people interested in that niche.

3. You then market related products to that list of people.

As I've said, the above essentials are pretty much, nay, the exact same ones every entrepreneur needs to know and live out. Throughout your entire journey as a provider of commercial wares and services, these elements will be your code. They couldn't be any more true online than IRL.

Finding a niche that not only works for you, but also is profitable enough to be sustained is the first thing you'll need to establish. Look for a niche that many people are likely to be engaged in. Make sure, too, that such a niche isn't all too common; otherwise, you may find yourself struggling to gain any ground against the mountain of competition that's already established itself in the online scene way before you have.

Once you've decided on your niche, your task becomes more challenging. Since the Internet is a crossroads that's leagues more vast than the outside world, this brings with it the absolute necessity to be noticed. It will not matter how incredibly amazing your products and services are if nobody ever gets to know they existed. Create, direct, and maintain traffic to your website so that your online excursion will not drown before it's even begun to swim.

Finally, when you've established a significant customer base, nurture it and pamper it. Don't be content with getting one or two transactions out of your satisfied and loyal customers. Entice them with related products and funnel their interests into other wares to increase both the number of times they make purchases and the value of each purchase.

Do these three right and you'll be well on your way to increasing revenue streams and to great stability you may not have experienced yet in the real world. Do them wrong and you'll become another one of those who've utterly failed online without knowing the actual reasons why.

The path's been laid out for you and the risks and rewards lined up. All that's left now is your leap of faith. In this regard, you may find my freelancing services helpful.

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